NUMB3RS - Finance + Mentoring Course

What is it?

Programa teórico-práctico específico
para enamorarte de tus números

And increase the social and/or environmental impact of your venture.


General Objectives

Brindar herramientas de gestión financiera a empresas de triple impacto (social, ambiental y económico) para potenciar negocios sostenibles.

Al finalizar el programa habrás logrado:

. Calculate the contribution margins of your products and services.
. Calculate your fixed costs. 
. Calculate your break-even point for different assumptions.
. Measure the profitability of new products or business units.
. Design your pricing strategy.
. Prepare your results table and balance sheet. tags. Plan your working capital needs.
. Plan your working capital needs
. Build your flow of funds and design an investment strategy of financial surpluses.
. Design a strategy to finance your expansion. Master the principles to measure and enhance profitability.
. Implement the learnings through simple tools of periodic use.

Intensive, practical and participatory methodology:


8 encuentros virtuales en vivo de 120 min. Incluye 1 sesión de                         consultoría grupal.

12 exclusive training videos

4 encuentros en dupla con mentor en finanzas

6 exclusive tools to manage your numbers

Cupo de 30 negocios.

Edición 2023 - 6ta edición:


Fecha de inicio: 18 de mayo.
Fecha de finalización: 20 de julio.

Herramientas para gestionar los números de tu negocio: 
Durante el taller recibirás sin cargo 7 herramientas prediseñadas y creadas exclusivamente para esta ocasión. Algunas de ellas serán:

Simulador de rentabilidad de una empresa con múltiples unidades
           de negocios o canales.


Break-even point simulator.


Dynamic price positioning map.


Comprehensive system of accounting records to have all the info in one place.


Template to put together your weekly and monthly Cash Flow.

Plantilla para elaborar el balance patrimonial

Who will provide the course?

Juan Sicardi
Economista, coach y asesor financiero de empresas de impacto.

Co-founder and Director of "Contribuir al Desarrollo Local" (, an NGO specialized in the design and implementation of local development programs and support for entrepreneurs.
He has been Director of the SME Secretariat of the Nation in Argentina and was manager of planning and finance in different companies. He was a consultant to the IDB and the World Bank on issues of entrepreneurial development. With a degree in Economics (UBA), he holds a Master's Degree in Corporate Finance from Universidad Di Tella and a specialization in Finance from the University of Texas (USA). He completed the Master's Degree in Local Development (UNSAM) and has training in Ontological Coaching. He has taught finance at itBA (Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires), Universidad del Salvador and Universidad de Tres de Febrero in Argentina. Co-author of the Manual "Keys for Entrepreneurs. Basic concepts to plan and develop your project" published by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires (2013). Author of the book "Desarrollo de la Pequeña Empresa" edited by Formar y el Municipio de Guayaquil, Ecuador (2004).

 Se priorizarán negocios
de impacto social y/o ambiental.

Te compartimos uno de los 12 videos que vas a recibir en el programa:

"Calculando tus márgenes y el punto de equilibrio"